When it comes to exercise, most of us fall into one of two camps: those who hate the idea and avoid it wherever possible, and those who see it as a necessary evil that must be suffered once or twice a week in order to remain healthy. But exercising regularly does not have to be torture, nor is it something that you have to force yourself to do. In fact, with the right mindset and approach, exercise can be something that you actively look forward to doing. There are plenty of benefits associated with regular exercise – from better sleep and stress management to an enhanced immune system and improved cardiovascular health. And with the right approach, you will even find that exercising becomes addictive rather than something you need to force yourself to do every so often. Here are our top tips for enjoying exercise:
1. Don't see exercise as a chore
One of the reasons why many of us don't enjoy exercising is that we are overly focused on the end result. We push ourselves through grueling workouts, run miles until we can barely walk, and think about how sleek and toned our bodies will look once we've finished. The truth is that few of us have the time or resources to train as intensely as elite athletes do. And as a result, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment and injury by trying to do too much, too soon. When you view exercise as a chore, you are more likely to put it off, focus on the negatives, and be overly critical of yourself when you do actually go for a workout. Find ways to make your workouts fun, interesting, and enjoyable, and you will be much more likely to stick to your routine. You can also improve your mindset by remembering the reasons why you decided to exercise in the first place. If you are exercising for health reasons, be sure to focus on the long-term benefits and not just what you will see in the mirror right away. If you are exercising to improve your mood, be sure to choose an exercise that you enjoy and that will help you enter a positive state of mind. If you are exercising to lose weight, be sure to focus on how good you will feel when you are done with your workout, and not how you look while you are exercising.
2. Set realistic goals
While you should definitely aim high when it comes to setting fitness goals, you also need to be realistic. If you want to improve your fitness level, set a goal to exercise a certain number of times per week. If you want to lose weight, set a goal to reduce your calorie intake. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, set a goal to exercise for a certain amount of time per week. There are so many ways to improve your health, so find a fitness goal that works best for you and your lifestyle. Keep in the mind, though, that it can take time for your body to notice the benefits of exercise – up to 12 weeks for significant results. So don't give up after a few weeks if you don't notice any results. And be sure to be patient and not overdo it as well. Remember that you want to see long-term results, not short-term ones.
3. Find an exercise that you enjoy
Most people would agree that going for a run is far better than going for a walk, and doing yoga is better than lifting weights. But if you feel that you need to do something that you don't enjoy just to get the benefits, you are probably setting yourself up for failure. It is important to find an exercise that you genuinely enjoy doing and that you look forward to. If you enjoy it, you will be much more likely to do it regularly, and you will be less likely to push yourself too hard and risk injury. You'll also be less likely to get bored with your workout, so you can stick with your routine over the long term without getting tired of the same exercises every day. There are plenty of ways to find an exercise that you enjoy, such as: - Talking to friends who currently exercise and asking them which exercises they enjoy and why - Checking out articles that recommend exercises according to your fitness goals - Trying out different exercises, and seeing which ones you enjoy. Even if you have an exercise that you enjoy, though, it is important to keep things interesting by varying your routine. Don't just do the same thing over and over – this will get boring, and you are less likely to want to keep going. Mix up the exercises that you do, the length of your workouts, and the frequency of your sessions.
Bonus: Commit to your exercise routine
Regular exercise can improve your sleep, reduce stress, and improve your mood. It can also improve your cardiovascular health and help you lose weight. But all of these benefits can only be realized if you actually go to the gym or go for a run every so often. If you are serious about improving your health and fitness, you will have to make exercise a priority. Make it a habit to exercise regularly, just like brushing your teeth. Find times in your schedule when you can fit in your workouts, and plan your rest days and other activities around your exercise schedule. If you are really serious about improving your fitness, you might even want to consider joining a fitness club, starting a workout plan, or hiring a personal trainer to help you stay motivated and on track. If you want to see real results from your exercise routine, you have to be committed to it. And the best way to do that is to make sure that it is part of your regular routine and not something that you do only when you want to.
Regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It improves your cardiovascular health, helps you build muscle, and can even help you lose weight. However, many people struggle to find the motivation to exercise regularly. By following these three steps, you can make exercise a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.